Many IT/OT professionals are very concerned about configuration port management. Configuration ports are often on a separate network, typically called an out-of-band or maintenance network. Many use the out-of-band network extensively for break/fix, patching, the build process, configuration changes, and asset redeployment.
From a user (admin) perspective, configuration ports can be problematic because access often involves directly connecting to the ports with telnet or ssh, using a terminal server for serial configuration points, and multiple tools that may be in place for networked configuration port access. There is a lot to know and remember making it cumbersome, time-consuming and often difficult to get to a particular device easily.
From a management perspective configuration, ports are a gaping security and compliance hole. Configuration ports are always highly privileged interfaces. Security policies are typically in place calling for configuration ports to be under tightly controlled security, with all changes made over them documented. That is so difficult to do with most operations tools that the issue gets shoved under a rug and everyone avoids talking about it.
This puts the organization at significant risk. In the past, the issue has been tabled due to the lack of a useful tool that will meet management needs without impacting the performance of the ops team.
ConsoleWorks Privileged Interactive Access eliminates this risk. Using ConsoleWorks all privileged user activity from users, 3rd-party vendors and contractors are logged as a forensic record of activity performed on assets, a persistent connection is maintained to ensure nothing is missed (no buffers; no polling cycles), and a comprehensive security model with granular permissions for access control is provided. Performance is improved rather than being degraded.
Improved security and compliance with improved performance is a winner. It dramatically reduces risk (breaches, fines) while reducing the work required for the operations team to get their job done.
ConsoleWorks Privileged Interactive Access (configuration port management)